Crosswind Exit Exam Survey 2022
Crosswind Exit Exam Survey 2021-2022 V1.0 Class Name or Format
- Select - Public Weekday Public Weekend Onsite or Private
During the course duration how many brain dumps did you copy?
- Select - 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 0 I didn't get time or really try it
During the course duration how chapters of questions did you do at night?
- Select - 12-13 10-11 8-9 5-7 1-4 I didn't get time or really try it
During the course duration how many 180 question exams did you do?
- Select - 3+ 2 1 0 None, but I plan to before my real exam
Did you take our class in the past?
- Select - Yes No
Did you take a non-Crosswind PMP class in the past?
- Select - Yes No
Have you taken the exam in the past?
- Select - Yes No
Where do you feel you are at?
How far (time wise) do you feel you are from taking the real exam?
- Select - Less than 1 week 1 week 2 to 2.5 weeks 2.5 to 3 weeks More than 3 weeks I don't really have a feeling on this?
Do you feel better prepared for the exam now than before the course?
- Select - Yes No
Exam Application and Brain Dump
What best describes your PMP Exam application?
- Select - Submitted, approved, and I have an exam date Submitted, and approved, but I have not paid or set the date yet Submitted, but awaiting reply from PMI Started, but not yet submitted Not yet started Not yet started, and I need help
Can you copy from memory your own version of side 1 of the brain dump?
- Select - Yes No
Can you copy from memory your own version of side 2 (process matrix) of the brain dump?
- Select - Yes No
How many projects do you expect to have at work over the next 1-2 months?
- Select - 10+ 8-9 6-7 3-5 1-2 0 or not applicable
Life stressful events (select yes or no for the last few to the next few months)
Medical or Special Accommodation
Do you think you might need medical accommodation to get more time for the real exam?
- Select - Yes No
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